Making My Jewelry Mark

I started out this year with a yearning for more Glamour. This year I want to see bigger bolder jewelry. My first Instagram post of the year was this...
Today's jewelry looks are increasingly more reflective of our casual lifestlyes. Women choose jewelry that is unobtrusive, and easy to wear everyday. In some circles, the uniform jewelry is a pair of diamond studs, a diamond ring, band and Rolex watch. Often times you will see a few Cartier Love bangles sprinkled in to the look.
Gone are the days of changing your jewelry look to match your outfit. Wearing bold one day and maybe romantic the next. Budgets and availability of the right jewels often inhibit these habits. Also, I contend that fashions of today don't lend itself necessarily to extra jewels, or jeweled punctuations. However, it's time to rethink this... it's time to take a stand and to make a mark. Jewelry, whether inexpensive vintage or fabulous signed vintage, is meant to be worn and can be enjoyed even with today's relaxed lifestyle.
To this end, I am inspired by Dita Von Teese. This is a woman who lives everyday emulating, oozing and embodying Retro, and Silver Screen glamour. Her look is flawless, timeless, gorgeous and never wavers. To learn more, I bought her book which was released in 2015.

The book is a very interesting read, penned in Dita's own voice with lots of anecdotes and tips. She adds dimension with first hand clips by introducing us to today's beauty icons of photography, hair, and make-up. People such as Gregory Arlt and Ali Mahdavi. I was most interested in how she styles her own hair, but found her tutorials in makeup, use of powder and finding your signature scent fascinating. I immediately reconsidered my makeup routine!

The book also gives you an overarching historical view of beauty and what women have done through the years to alter their appearance. We all recall Cleopatra went through great lengths to beautify herself (among her vices - kohl eyeliner), through the Elizabethan beauty trends of (dangerous) skin whitening, to today's ladies dying their hair at home. It's a fascinating journey through beauty. Throughout the book, the theme is definitely what Dita prefers and how she maintains her signature style. No doubt she is committed to her look and she embodies it. She shows us that she can maintain it with no more time or effort than any other woman who grooms them self even the slightest.
Dita makes the point that its a choice to be feminine, show your curves, and wear blush with red lips. It's a tried and true classic beauty look that sirens of the silver screen and models on glossy pages have rocked. Make a little effort and be your own daring Mae West or Jean Harlow. Why not? Finding the look that makes one feel their best shows more than the extra coat of mascara. It's the inner confidence that radiates and is noticeable.
Similarly, I believe jewelry goes hand in hand with this very same idea. If one can make a commitment such as Dita to looking glamorous every day for every occasion certainly it is not a very far leap further to clip on a pair of interesting earrings, choose a cool bangle (whether gold filled, bakelite or paste) and complete your outfit.

With this in mind, I am taking a cue from Dita and Making My Jewelry Mark, a commitment to completing my outfit and my look with jewels from all the centuries. Living every day in the present, but incorporating the beauties of the past. We are showing women how to wear the fabulous jewels of the past with confidence. Above, I am showing off my Dita manicure.
Looking forward to seeing Ms. Dita in person as she struts her stuff in nothing less than Christian Louboutin shoes, and Jenny Packham designed gowns. She will be at the Gramercy Theatre through Saturday here in New York City. Stay tuned!