How Charming!

Ever since I can remember I have been obsessed with charms. One of my first charms was a 14k gold license plate that said ALOHA. It was given to me as a baby and I used to wear it on a chain as a child. I used to chew on it, and it was extremely dented!
Since then, I have invested in numerous charms over the years. This Four Aces enamel charm from the 1940s was a purchase after I was dealt 3 Aces playing Let It Ride at the California Hotel in Las Vegas. The dealer had the 4th Ace which made me a big winner that day! I think the charm which I found on eBay cost me more than my actual winnings, but who is keeping track?
The great thing about charms is that each one is a collectible memory that always stays with the owner. I'll always remember where I got a particular charm, why or from whom.
Nowadays, as I curate my collection (and those of others) I buy entire bracelets. I enjoy piecing together a life as I inspect all of the charms. You can see where a person traveled, when their children were born, what they liked to drink, what clubs they were a member of. Charm bracelets are a personal story.
This bracelet is a particularly good one packed with sentiment and whimsy. There is the marriage, and the Sagittarius Charm. The cocktail shaker seems to be at odds with the Bible, but everyone has their vice! The enamel Juicy Fruit Gum charm is particularly nice, and a piece of gum even slides out. I also find the boot with spinning spur and the gun interesting on the bracelet. Whomever this belonged to had sass!
This bracelet is an earlier collection of charms dating to the 1920s. There is a mix of Cartier charms in here and a French flair to it. The top left charm that looks like a blue flower is actually a spinning wheel. The arrow prompts "He Loves Me..." (Il M'Aime) and the charm spins to answers like "A Little," or "Not at All." You can see the two World War I charms which are collectible these days. The owl charm has the French inscription "La Nuit Porte Conseil," which means "Sleep on it First." The enamel French poodle is also a telling sign of who the owner of this bracelet might have been.
I recently found this 14k bracelet which is full of fun moveable charms. They are all from the 1940s, and were made in the United States. It is harder and harder to find complete bracelets as they have now often been broken apart or worse, melted! I particularly like the clock with the heart chimes, and the telephone that says I Love U on the dial. Some of the more unusual charms on this one is the tank and the jeep. Both World War II reminders of the era the bracelet was made.
At Keyamour I carry already made up bracelets, such as these I have featured along with individual loose charms. I have charms relating to sporting, travel, dogs, horses, gambling, and Love. At the moment I don't have them photographed and catalogued but if you are looking for something in particular, please let me know!